Friday, July 13, 2007

A Few Things to Consider When Planning an Event

1. Procrastination will kill you in event planning more than any other task.

2. Food is expensive. Over figure for that expense

3. Split the planning into easy bites. i.e. food, travel, projects. This makes it so much easier to delegate.

4. Delegate with intention. Make sure you know what you expect the end product to look like. They may say they understand, but giving them the expectations you have will ensure that they actually understand.

5. Realize that success isn't always just completion of the event. Sometimes you have to sacrifice completion for success.
For example, our ministry is going through a work week where we are hoping to renovate our youth room, nursery and playground. It's a big task, but my mind and heart have to stay in tune to the idea that this is to teach teens to take ownership for the issues in their world. If they catch that idea, but don't finish the work then we still achieve success in the changing of attitudes.


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