Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Leading Out in the Open

Today I'm doing "a name study" (looking up the meaning of every name mentioned) in the genealogy of Christ found in Matthew 1. When ever I come across a long listed genealogy in the Bible I confess that I usually find myself skimming over it. Today however, I wanted to allow every passage to mean something to me.

To be honest, the experience has been a mixed bag as far as excitement and applicability goes. Sometimes I wanted to take a nap and other times I was really impressed, but I never knew the name I would be the most excited about would be Jotham.

Yeah I said it.... "Jotham." I had no idea who this guy was until I read up on him. Him name means "the Lord is perfect", but that's not what caught me. It was the single verse used to describe his leadership as a King.

"he was mighty because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God"
2 Chr. 27:6

As I sit here the day before I give the final talk of a 3 week series on filing up our friends with life, I'm completely moved.
I don't know about you, but sometimes when I plan a course of action I tend to base my decisions on 4 things.
1. My talents
2. My experience
3. My knowledge
4. My heart

As I read Jotham's story though, it doesn't seem as if he had any kind of special talents though. He simply aligned himself under his dad's influence, surrounded himself with Godly people (e.g. Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah), and talked over everything He was going to do with God.

"he was mighty because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God"

I can say that I don't always bring every sermon point or leadership decision over to God. In fact, I usually just pray until I'm initially inspired, give a quick "thanks for that God" and move on with my day.
I guess I don't feel like I hide my ministry from God, but I don't necessarily feel like I intentionally do everything in front of Him intentionally either.

Today, I learned a key leadership resource from Jotham.
If you can, learn from the legacy that made you (Parents/Grandparents/Chil
dhood leaders and teacher etc.), align yourself so that you can be influenced by difference makers, and what ever you do, do it out in conscious view of God.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Notes From Pat Lencioni from Catalyst

Reasons we neglect getting to know our employees.
1) We think we’re too busy.
2) We have a false humility problem. Feeling that we’re no better than anyone else, we shy away from gaining influence with those we lead.
3) We feel disingenuous.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Catalyst Thoughts
Andy Stanley's first message.

- If we don't leverage our power actively, then we are saying to God that we are more important.

- Remembering that "I'm not greater than my Master" is the daily test of my character as a leader.

- When you realize that you are the most powerful person in the room, what will you do?

10,000 isn't better than 2 or 10.... it's just a bigger room

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Are our children learning enough about whales?

In The Know: Are Our Children Learning Enough About Whales?