Tuesday, August 21, 2007

5 ways to Guarantee Success

  1. Be passionate/emotionally connected to your career choice. Whether it is that you are extremely competitive by nature, you truly enjoy helping your clients, you are intensely driven to support your family or whatever else you must have a strong reason for coming into the office and performing each day. It is suggested that you constantly stay in touch with your motivations by deeply thinking about them on a regular basis. Doing this will allow you to keep direction in your life.
  2. Study those that are enjoying your version of success in life. What is your definition of success? Each of us has our own unique definition. There are people that are living a very close definition of your success. How do they do it? You may have to read about it. You may be able to interview that person. Find a mentor. Learn from those who have done it and implement their strategies. There are just tons of books about success and also books about business strategy out there. Steal and duplicate the "stuff that works" and succeed on your terms.
  3. Beware of how you talk to yourself and do believe in yourself. Beware of negative and limiting streams of thought. By negative I am referring to self thoughts that either make you a victim of circumstances deemed beyond your control or persuading yourself that you are just not good enough to see success in this field. You must believe in yourself. A matter of fact, you must believe that you can see success and win regardless of the circumstances. We each have amazing levels of potential that remain untapped. One of the great challenges of life is to work as hard and smart as we can to reach our potential.
  4. Create more positives than negatives each day. Look for little wins like quality presentations. Look for little wins like maintaining confidence during the day. Look for little wins like pulling a good credit reports. Look for little wins like learning something new during the day. Look for little wins like having a positive conversation with a family member or friend who supports you. Look for little wins like positive interactions with a team mate. Time is precious so make certain you are getting little wins during the day because those little wins add up to big wins. More positives than negatives allow you to drive off the lot knowing that you have made progress. Progress equals career advancement folks.
  5. Always be thinking about improvement. This is true regardless of the amount of success you have had in the past. Constant improvement or at least attempting to improve helps to fight against complacency. Remaining gratefully unsatisfied allows for a balance of acknowledging that we have accomplished great things in the past and yet we will accomplish even more in the new and future. Break your business down constantly. Ask others what you can do to improve. An active mind is a must for a successful business person. Tiny improvements each day makes a huge difference over time folks.


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